Technical Assistance
Small business owners face many obstacles and are constantly adjusting to changing circumstances, new business conditions, and unforeseeable challenges. Receiving education and guidance from someone who has the experience and expertise to guide the small business owner in the right direction can mean the difference between success and failure.
How We Help
It’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs to launch a business without having the full range of capital, business experience, knowledge or training needed to ensure that business succeeds. Entrepreneurs with general business or trade knowledge may be lacking in accounting knowledge, human resource skills, marketing skills, lacking an effective business plan, or lacking in other vital areas. There are a veritable plethora of hats a small business owner must wear at any given time; without the education, guidance, and access to even micro amounts of capital, the success of the small business owner is threatened.
Fortunately, the Industrial Development Authority has stepped in to help promising entrepreneurs by offering various forms of support that can help their business succeed, because when a business is successful, it helps to stir economic growth.
Our Assisstance Programs
Economic Growth Strategy Workshops
Mentoring Program
Economic Growth Strategy Workshops
Economic Growth Strategy Workshop Program is a series of dynamic workshops designed specifically for entrepreneurs and small business owners in Gila County. The workshops will include presentations by leading industry professionals, followed by a question and answer session, and one-on-one counsel as time allows.
Workshop topics may include, but are not limited to: Business operations and business practices; accounting; management; human resource; marketing/advertising; technology; web design and other facets of business.
Economic Growth Strategy Workshops will be held quarterly in strategic areas of Gila County. Dates and locations will be posted soon.

Mentoring Program
Access to a mentor can make or break a small-business owner’s chances for success. Mentors help protégés grow and develop in their position by imparting specific jobs tips, business “lessons learned” and advice on business leadership and communication. Mentoring programs are designed to cater to businesses starting up and those already established. The Mentorship Program will allow the mentor and the business owner to delve into the core of the business and to work together to develop a “Plan of Action” that will guide the business forward.
Receiving feedback as part of a safe and trusting relationship is a critical effect of a mentoring relationship. A mentor may offer tough but necessary criticism. This feedback may save a small-business owner time, frustration and money. Protégés are more likely to listen and act upon advice received from a mentor, as the information is delivered by someone who wants them to succeed.
Please contact the IDA for more information on the Mentorship Program. Please call (928) 473-1129 for any questions about the Technical Assistance Program.